St. Patrick’s Day Ideas

Here are some St. Patrick’s Day Ideas if you are not sure what you want to do. You don’t have to be Irish to celebrate the day. It is known to be a day of fun and good cheer! Most of us know that the Irish tend to be a festive bunch that love their taverns. My interest stems for the fact that I have Irish in my blood! This page has just a few ideas of what you can do. So glad you are here.

Attend an Irish Parade

Irish Parade on St. Patrick's Day

Fun Fact: The first St. Patrick’s Day Parade was held in St. Augustine, FL in 1601. There are very large parades in places like: Chicago, IL; New York, New York; Denver Co; just to name a few. You don’t have to travel to a large and very popular parade destination. You can stay local and still enjoy yourself with friends, family and whoever else you choose to hang out with. We all know Green is the color to wear on this day! So, when venturing out make sure you have you green on. Check out this website with info about St. Patrick’s Day Parades.

Enjoy Irish Food

Ireland’s Nation Dish is considered to be Irish Stew. Here is a link for an Irish Stew that you can make at home! Another popular dish is Bacon and Cabbage. At restaurants here you may find Corned Beef and Cabbage even though you don’t typically find this in Ireland. You can’t talk about Irish food without mentioning potatoes. Oh, another wonderful thing that the Irish enjoy is their delicious Irish Butter. It is delicious! Find a restaurant with Irish Food and enjoy a meal on this once-a-year celebration!

Attend a Concert or Listen to Irish Music

Green Beer for St. Patrick's Day

You don’t have to be Irish to like their music. And you can choose to go to a venue where there is a concert or a smaller venue. This could be a casual restaurant where Irish Music is being played. Once you decide where to go and you get there your next task is easy. Sit back, relax and enjoy! As you listen to music you can take in a cool drink of choice. On this special day most places will serve green beer in honor of St. Patrick’s Day!

Find a Place to do Irish Dancing

Another activity that you can choose is Irish Dancing. This is a fast-paced dance that is fun to participate in and enjoyable to watch. If you can’t do the dancing, take an opportunity to watch it. I could sit for hours and watch people do Irish Dancing and never get tired of it. It takes very good coordination and stamina to flawlessly perform this artistic dance! If you have never watched the Irish Dance look it up online and watch a video. It will be entertaining.


This celebration of the Irish Culture is a day many people look forward to all year. Not matter what your likes are there is something you can find to do on this day. It can be an all-day event, such as a concert. Or it can be a meal that just take an hour or two of your time. Weather permitting there are plenty of activities to do outdoors. Get out and find festivities that suit your likes. Go out and make memories with friends and family. This year St. Patrick’s Day is on Sunday, March 17, 2024. I am still planning on visiting Ireland; it is on my bucket list.